Pachypodium lamerei
Madagascar Palm
Max Height: 20Ft
Current Diameter at base: 3”+
Current Height: 4ft+
Fully rooted into its 7gal container, recommended after buying it either be planted directly into the ground permanently** or if your not ready to commit just yet, a 15gal size container will suffice for now.
Once given more space, the next steps you will begin to see if branching and flowering. Branching usually occurs at this larger size as well as the beautiful tropical flowers.
This is a great buy, only 1 available, and it’s a good one, diameter of 2”+, this palms rate of growth is starting to really accelerate, Last two pictures shows plant 2+ years ago.
A rare and structurally beautiful must-have succulent.
Very low maintenance, can sustain just fine in full sun, and is drought tolerant. Works beautifully as an indoor plant as well, be sure to keep in a well naturally lit room.
Madagascar Palms grown outdoors will reach up to 20ft, but when grown indoors it will slowly reach up to 6ft tall. Currently around 32”